Devon Alliance Church (DAC) was founded 75 years ago this fall. We are a member of the Western Canadian District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada. Our church serves as a physical cornerstone at the southwestern edge of Devon, approximately 15 minutes from both the south and west ends of Edmonton, Alberta.

Our Purpose
Lord by your Spirit, empower us to demonstrate and declare the Hope of Christ to the people of Devon, our nation and our world.  

Our Mission
We want to reach across the highway and around the world, helping people ...
Connect with God ...
people matter to God and they matter to us.
Grow in Community ... 
disciples are made not born.  They grow, they develop, they mature.   
Go with the Gospel ...
everyone, everywhere needs to find hope in Christ.  So we will pray, give and go!   

Our Values
The Bible - God's Word speaks with relevance and authority to our lives.
Experiencing God - We seek to know God, not merely know about God.
Love for People - We want to love people as Jesus loves people.
A Heart for the Lost - Lost people matter to Jesus and lost people matter to us.
Servanthood - Those with a heart for God serve God with all their heart.
Righteous Living - The filling of the Holy Spirit is the key to righteous living.
Prayer - We pray at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of all we do.

Information about our denomination, including our Statement of Faith and Core Values, can be found on the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Canada website